


Today is my birthday, and I am celebrating! Celebrating means honoring or marking an occasion with festivities or doing something special. My birthday was not on Facebook or any other social media platform a few years ago. Therefore, only family members and close friends celebrated with me. And I preferred it that way! However, celebrating your birthdays with others is healthy and can improve your quality of life and that of those celebrating with you. So, although I get pleasantly overwhelmed by all the attention, I can bear to be celebrated for 24 hours if it means better health and wellness for myself and others. So, why should you celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions? And are there any health benefits from celebrations?


Why should you celebrate birthdays?

Studies show that celebrating milestones is good for your health. Birthdays are especially important because a birthday is a milestone everyone gets to celebrate every 365 days, as long as we are alive.

Secondly, celebrating your birthday allows people who care about you to express it. It is also an opportunity for you to receive feedback from the people whose lives you have touched.

In addition, we are social creatures, and social connections make us happier. Wishing someone a happy birthday is a great way to show your appreciation and love for that person. It is a way of conveying your best wishes for that person’s future, even if you only get to express this once a year. For example, there are friends I only communicate with on social media twice a year; their birthdays and mine. And that is completely fine because it helps us maintain our connection.

Finally, being celebrated causes a release of endorphins in your brain, making you feel incredibly special. Seeing how much others care about you makes you feel loved and appreciated.


What do birthdays mean?

First, realize that your birthday is an event and not a destination. Birthdays are a reminder of how old you are and how far you have come. It’s a great time to pause, reflect on the road you have traveled, and plan for the future.

Secondly, your birthday is an opportunity to show gratitude for your friends, family, health, work, experiences, and everything else.

Thirdly, celebrating your birthday is a sign of triumph over adversity. Your celebration is your story of strength and hopes for the future.

And lastly, remember self-care. Birthdays are an opportunity to pamper yourself. Take a break from life’s usual hustle and bustle and do something you thoroughly enjoy. After all, it’s your day, and your mental health will thank you!


Health benefits of celebrating birthdays

Studies show that celebrating birthdays is a social activity that enhances our social, physical, and overall health and well-being. Therefore, it is good to celebrate your birthdays and that of others. In addition, being happy for yourself and others reduces stress and boosts your mood. And this is true for in-person and social media celebrations. So, if you see people posting their birthdays, anniversaries, and accomplishments on social media, be happy for them and celebrate with them.


Here are some of the health benefits of celebrating birthdays:

1) Improved social support

Celebrating with others reinforces social support because we all need a strong social foundation to live healthy and well. Solid social support is crucial for each person because we have people to fall back on in times of adversity.

2) Better mental health

Believing that people are there for you in times of future adversity helps prevent several mental health issues, including loneliness, depression, and even suicide.

3) Better heart health

The social support you feel from celebrating your birthday lowers your blood pressure and heart rate and ultimately improves your heart health.


4) Improved quality of sleep

Supporting and being supported by others during birthdays can help you sleep better and more soundly.

5) Longer life

People who feel supported when celebrating birthdays and other occasions may live longer than others who don’t.

6) Healthier friendships

Birthday celebrations are a way to reconnect and stay connected with friends. Having healthier friendships has numerous health advantages; you can learn more about this by checking out “Thank You for Being a Friend.”


Final thoughts

As for my birthday today, I know my three men are planning a surprise. I hear them whispering about their plans, and I know whatever they come up with will be great, and I plan to have a terrific time! It feels very refreshing not to be the one doing the planning, for once. And that, in itself, is self-care!

Thank you to my dear husband and partner and my two fantastic boys. With all the pampering I am receiving this weekend, I wish I could celebrate my birthday for a whole week!

To all my friends and family members who have been sending me happy birthday greetings since the beginning of the month, thank you for the love and the value you add to my life!

And a big thank you to the staff of Healthy Horizons Pediatrics, who are always the first to kick off my birthday celebrations. I appreciate you all!

So, now that you know why you should celebrate birthdays and other special occasions, what milestones have you achieved today or recently? Are you celebrating? And while celebrating, are you allowing others to celebrate with you? In fact, it may not even be your birthday, anniversary, or a new milestone, but you should still celebrate.

Finally, remember, life is too short not to celebrate. Therefore, celebrate life today, for it is the day that The Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it!

Please feel free to share your comments below and also feel free to share this article. Yours in health and fitness,

Doctor Abi

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