


Today, I saw a 9-month-old infant take her first step in my pediatric office. If you had heard our happy screams and seen the joy on the faces of the parents and me, you would have thought we had won the lottery. Why were we so happy? Because we know that that single first step is the prelude to many more fast steps. Likewise, wherever you see yourself in the future, you must start with the first step. No matter how small or big your dream is, you will go nowhere if you don’t take the first step.


Believe it or not, our lives are a compound result of our decisions and the actions we take to support our choices. And that action starts with the first step. I wrote earlier about our Queens Take Action challenge, which we created to push ourselves to improve our health by exercising, eating healthy, connecting socially, and preventing diseases. And already, we are seeing results because we took the first step!

Now, why is it important to take the first step? What holds us back from doing so? Finally, how can we overcome all barriers to taking that first step?


Why is the first step important?

1. It is the only way we can grow personally or professionally.

2. Taking the first step will ultimately lead to fulfilling and actualizing our dreams.

3. It propels us forward. Simplifying Newton’s first law, “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless a force acts on it.” Therefore, if you don’t take that first step (a force), you cannot move forward.

4. It increases our knowledge and helps us learn more. Every step teaches us something new. Whether it’s a success or a stumble, we gain invaluable insights that may come in handy in the future.

5. It increases our confidence. With each step, we prove to ourselves that we are capable of more than we imagined and gain the confidence to take the next step.


Why do we often hesitate to take the first step?

1. The fear of failure causes us to doubt our dreams and aspirations.

2. Fear of rejection, judgment, and ridicule. We worry about what others might think, so we never leave our comfort zone.

3. Fear of commitment. When we consider what it will take to achieve our dreams, we see an insurmountable barrier that deters us from even starting.

4. Fear of success. Sometimes, the fear of success is almost as strong as the fear of failure. We wonder if our success will mean we can no longer live the way we currently live or hang out with the same friends.

5. Limiting beliefs that erroneously convince us that we are not good enough to achieve our goals.

6. Finally, the fear of the unknown – that lingering uncertainty about what lies ahead often holds us back.


How can you overcome the barriers to taking the first step?

So, how do we break free from the shackles of fear and hesitation? Here are some strategies to overcome the barriers to taking the first step in any endeavor:

1. Set clear goals: Define what you want to achieve clearly. Knowing what you want to achieve provides a roadmap for your journey.

2. Break it down: Sometimes, the enormity of a task can be overwhelming. Break it down into smaller, manageable steps. Research shows that having sub-goals at the beginning of any endeavor motivates you to achieve the final results. 


3. Focus on one step at a time: Instead of looking at the total flight of stairs, focus on the step right in front of you and take it one step at a time.

4. Seek support: Don’t hesitate to lean on friends, family, or mentors for guidance and encouragement. You don’t have to embark on this journey alone.

5. Embrace failure: Understand that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success. Embrace it, learn from it, and keep moving forward.


In which areas of your life do you need to take the first step?

The principles remain the same whether pursuing a healthier lifestyle, advancing your career, starting a business, or nurturing a new relationship. The journey begins with that pivotal first step. Don’t let fear hold you back from the life you envision for yourself.

Think about the first steps you have taken in the past and where they have led you. What did you learn during the journey, even if it led you to an unintended place? Remember, nothing can compare to your experience, good or bad. In fact, failing itself is a learning experience because you now know the steps to avoid.

So, where do you want to go? What step can you take today to start moving in the right direction? Whatever is holding you back, dismiss that thought and take that first step now.


Final thoughts

Taking the first step is an act of faith. Waiting to hear from God while doing nothing may not show your faith. Remember, without faith, it is impossible to please God. When you act in faith by stepping out, God will tell you the next step. 

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV).

Notice that after taking that first step to the left or right, you will hear the voice and receive the directions.

So, what have you wanted to do but have yet to start? Remember that time waits for no one, and procrastination is the enemy of progress. 

Finally, to all the incredible women out there, I urge you to take that first step today. Whether it’s signing up for that fitness class, pitching your business idea, applying for that dream job, or cultivating that new relationship, don’t let fear dictate your actions. Embrace the uncertainty, trust your abilities, and take that leap of faith. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Dare to take it and watch as the world unfolds before you in ways you never thought possible.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments below, as well as this article.

Yours in health and fitness,

Doctor Abi

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