


About me

Here are the highlights of my Big Five Test Results. Now, why did I decide to share this? I see many women struggling with their identity and engaging in self-doubt. And I have been there. One of the most significant ways we can show love to ourselves is through self-acceptance. Think about this. It is easier to love someone or something we already accept. For years, I disliked my personality. I wished I could be friendlier though I get easily overwhelmed by social interactions. I have been called names like “snub,” “arrogant,” “proud,”… you get the picture. It gets very confusing when, in fact, you don’t see yourself that way and wish you were created differently. But gone are those days of living in self-doubt. Now, I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am unique and have everything I need to fulfill my purpose.

Has it been easy getting to this point? No. And I know many women and men are still struggling to get to this point. If you look at where I fall on extraversion and read through my detailed analysis, you will see that sharing this alone is no easy task. As a matter of fact, sharing this blog is no easy task. But I am doing it because I want to see women, and men, reclaim their identity and live a life of purpose.


What is your personality type?

If you want to find out more about your personality, please take this free test. For a basic description of the fundamental differences between introverts and extroverts, check out these 10 tips for flourishing as an introvert. Uncovering your personality traits will help you understand better why you do what you do the way you do it. It does not mean you are a good or a bad person. It only means that God has equipped you with the right amount of each personality trait to accomplish your purpose on earth. So let’s run our individual races with purpose in every step.

Here is a Snippet from my Big Five Test Results


I scored highest in conscientiousness and lowest in extraversion. These excerpts are from my detailed test analysis:


Conscientiousness describes a person’s ability to exercise self-discipline and control in order to pursue their goals. High scorers are organized and determined and are able to forego immediate gratification for the sake of long-term achievement. Low scorers are impulsive and easily sidetracked.

The concept of Conscientiousness focuses on a dilemma we all face: shall I do what feels good now, or instead do what is less fun but will pay off in the future? Some people are more likely to choose fun in the moment, and thus are low in Conscientiousness. Others are more likely to work doggedly toward their goals, and thus are high in this trait.


Extraversion describes a person’s inclination to seek stimulation from the outside world, especially in the form of attention from other people. Extraverts engage actively with others to earn friendship, admiration, power, status, excitement, and romance. Introverts, on the other hand, conserve their energy, and do not work as hard to earn these social rewards.

Extraversion seems to be related to the emotional payoff that a person gets from achieving a goal. While everyone experiences victories in life, it seems that extroverts are especially thrilled by these victories, especially when they earn the attention of others. Getting a promotion, finding a new romance, or winning an award are all likely to bring an extrovert great joy. In contrast, introverts do not experience as much of a “high” from social achievements. They tend to be more content with simple, quiet lives, and rarely seek attention from others.

a breakdown of my test results

As part of your test results, you will learn how your traits work together to drive the way you interact with the world. This circumplex describes my core values and motivations and the way I think about things.

Your Traits in Action

This section of my test results explains how my individual traits influence my inner life experiences.

How does your mind work?

You take in real-world information about the world around you and apply your own interpretations. You are good at noticing details, although you also want to understand the larger meaning of what you observe so that you can put things in context. You can be quite creative when you are working in an area of special expertise or knowledge, although you also know when it is time to abandon fantasy and get back to the real world.

You are preoccupied with goal-setting and achievement, and most of your thoughts revolve around planning and completing tasks. You are a structured, orderly thinker, and rarely waste time on unproductive daydreaming.

What do you value?

Your ideal world is a kind, equitable one, where people treat each other fairly and with compassion. You value justice and mercy in equal measure, believing that people should be forgiven when it is reasonable to do so. You do your best to make the world a better place, although you also work toward your own personal achievements. You want to distinguish yourself, but you do not want to step on any toes to do so.

You value a mix of tradition and innovation. You are usually content to do things the conventional way, until it stops working, at which time you are happy to explore novel approaches. Politically, you are probably moderate, appreciating leaders who are neither pie-in-the-sky idealists nor slaves to tradition. You are not interested in impractical flights of fancy, but you do see a place for new ideas that may improve the way we live.

Final Thoughts

How do I feel about my results? I think that my results are spot on! In fact, I might put this on my About Me page so everyone knows who I am. From my results, with an extraversion score of only 2 percent, I have enough evidence to call myself a through and through introvert. If you are an introvert still struggling with successfully navigating your world, check out these 10 tips for flourishing as an introvert.

Have you taken the test? What do you think about your Big Five test results? How can your results help you understand yourself better? Now that you know who you are, how can you use your unique personality traits to improve yourself and your world? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Yours in health and fitness

Doctor Abi

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