

10 Health Benefits of Happiness

10 Health Benefits of Happiness

“Don’t worry, be happy” is easier said than done. Why is it important to be happy? How can you become a happier person? The stresses of life can cause you to feel worried, hopeless, and unhappy. Sometimes, it may even seem like the universe is conspiring against you....
7 Reasons to go Shopping

7 Reasons to go Shopping

Do you love shopping? More specifically, do you indulge in retail therapy? Retail therapy is when you shop and buy to feel better and get rid of negative feelings. Retail therapy has many benefits, and there may no longer be any reason to feel guilty when next you...
10 Reasons to Attend Your High School Reunion

10 Reasons to Attend Your High School Reunion

Last week, I attended my 31st high school reunion. I attended an all-girls school, so it was more or less a girls’ trip. No spouses! No kids! And I have to say it was an unforgettable experience as we formed new bonds, rekindled old friendships, and returned home...
Choose to be Patient

Choose to be Patient

At my last doctor’s visit about a month ago, I felt frustrated and agitated after waiting 15 minutes in the relaxed and comfortable waiting room. Fast forward to last week during our family vacation; I happily waited in line for one hour in unbearable heat for a...
I am what I eat

I am what I eat

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post titled “Self-affirmations: Are they just wishful thinking?” One of the affirmations I came across was, “I am what I eat.” First, I am not currently saying this affirmation, at least not yet. As a matter of fact, I quickly...