Not too long ago, I lost my best friend to Sickle Cell Disease. Today, when I think about my best friend, instead of the usual tears, I smile. How have I been able to make it hurt less? By being thankful that our paths crossed, albeit under very unusual circumstances....
“DETOUR AHEAD” reads the sign on my route to work. This road, IN 26, has been closed for the past six months due to ongoing construction. It now takes me an hour to get to work instead of the usual 45 minutes. Unfortunately, it also means I lose 15 minutes of sleep...
What is quality of life? We often hear of “improved quality of life” in different contexts. For example, a job may promise an improved quality of life. Or a medication may be touted to improve your quality of life by treating a specific condition. Or you...
Earlier this year, I sustained an injury to my right shoulder from exercise. Twenty years of regular exercise, and this was the most significant injury I ever sustained. What could I have done differently to prevent this? Watching fitness enthusiasts, whether in...
I used to be that lady who would drive around the Walmart parking lot for 10 minutes, looking for a parking space close to the entrance. God forbid that I park further and endure the 5-minute walk to the door! Unfortunately, many women follow this trend that...
How is exercise a path to better health for women over forty? Let’s consider this. If you are a woman in your forties or older, you, or someone close to you, has at least one of these conditions: 1) Prediabetes/Diabetes 2) High Blood Pressure 3) High Cholesterol...