


Stretching: A Key to Healthy Aging

Yesterday, I received a call from my 80-year-old dad, who proudly informed me that he now exercises for 20 minutes every morning! So, I asked him what kind of exercises he does. He replied, “Oh no, I don’t jump, dance, or lift iron like you, but I do my stretch...

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Keep Hope Alive

Recently, a close friend shared with me how being hopeful is helping her deal with her chronic illness. My friend, who is also a medical professional, understands the severity of her illness and her prognosis. Yet, she chooses to keep hope alive. My friend and I will...

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Can a Formula Prolong your Life?

A few days ago, I saw a video where Singaporean presidential candidate, Ng Kok Song, shared the formula for staying healthy at 75. He said the secret to staying healthy is to protect yourself with these 6 things, with the acronym SHIELD. S - Sleep; H - Handling...

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Do you Prefer Diet or Exercise?

I once attended a webinar where one of the trivia questions was, "Do you prefer diet or exercise?" I assume that question meant if you would get the same benefits from dieting or exercising, which would you choose? Interestingly, 70 percent of the attendees chose...

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Perfectly Imperfect

Make a list of the things you dislike about yourself. Now, make a list of the things you like about yourself. How many items are on each list? The first list is typically way longer for most women than the second. In fact, a study of 2000 women showed that the average...

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Is your Annual Physical Really Necessary?

A few weeks ago, I had my annual physical. Younger people may not know this, but once you are over 40, you may start to dread doctor’s visits. You suspect the doctor will recommend you lose weight, exercise, and eat healthier. You wonder what your labs would show,...

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Guard your Heart

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life (Proverbs 4:23, NLT). The Bible considers the heart the seat of life or strength. Hence, it represents the mind, soul, or spirit. Everything we do, including our behaviors and emotions, flows...

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Who is your Guy?

Who is your Guy?

Who is your guy or your gee? Gee is a Nigerian slang that means tight friend. During my recent spontaneous trip with my medical school classmates, our theme song was “Who is your guy” by Spyro. We unanimously made this our theme song because, 24 years after leaving...

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Is a weight-loss medication right for you?

Is a weight-loss medication right for you?

As we plan for our 25th-anniversary reunion next year, one of my medical school classmates jokingly said, "Great! That is enough time for my Ozempic to work, and I can have at least a 4-pack by the reunion date." So, what is Ozempic? What are the medications...

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Perfection is Possible: Yes or No?

Perfection is Possible: Yes or No?

In college, a few of my friends attended a church that we all regarded as "highly spiritual." For years, the church had a particular slogan, "Perfection is Possible." They had stickers, decals, and posters with this slogan, and they carried them everywhere. Back then,...

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Practice Self-compassion

Practice Self-compassion

A while back, some friends and I went on a plant-based diet for a month. It was a very tough challenge as we all are meat lovers, but we did not realize it until the challenge. A few days ago, one of us posted on Facebook how she sneaked in meats because of unbearable...

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Why should you Celebrate Birthdays?

Why should you Celebrate Birthdays?

Today is my birthday, and I am celebrating! Celebrating means honoring or marking an occasion with festivities or doing something special. My birthday was not on Facebook or any other social media platform a few years ago. Therefore, only family members and close...

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10 Health Benefits of Forgiveness

10 Health Benefits of Forgiveness

Recently, an incident in my family opened up some of my old wounds. These old wounds apparently had only scabbed over, and ripping them open still hurt almost as much as they did decades ago. So, does that mean I never forgave the person all these years when I thought...

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What do you regret most in life?

What do you regret most in life?

What do you regret most in life? On his deathbed, Steve Jobs, the visionary Apple co-founder and one of the greatest innovators of our time, regretted not treating his cancer sooner and not being there for his kids. Unfortunately, he died shortly after that, at the...

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Stress and your Heart

Stress and your Heart

You are probably going through some form of stress right now. Indeed, most of life's occurrences are stressful. As we celebrate Valentine's Day today, did you know that Valentine's Day can cause undue stress on our hearts? Studies show that Valentine's Day can cause...

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The Number One Killer of Women

The Number One Killer of Women

February is the month dedicated to love and our heart. This month, we celebrate Valentine's Day and recognize February as American Heart Month, a month to spotlight heart disease. And here is why we dedicate a whole month to our hearts. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs),...

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12 Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is one of the oldest forms of structured exercise. Workout fads come and go, but people have been practicing yoga for the past 5,000 years. And every year, more and more people take up the practice of yoga. Why has yoga prevailed over the years? Are there any...

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Time to Reset

Time to Reset

At the beginning of 2022, I attempted a vision board for the first time! Having read and heard a lot of inspirational things about vision boards, I decided to put it to the test. The beginning of the year seemed like a great time to reset. Therefore, I put down my...

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