



Who is your Guy?

Who is your Guy?

Who is your guy or your gee? Gee is a Nigerian slang that means tight friend. During my recent spontaneous trip with my medical school classmates, our theme song was “Who is your guy” by Spyro. We unanimously made this our theme song because, 24 years after leaving...

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Perfection is Possible: Yes or No?

Perfection is Possible: Yes or No?

In college, a few of my friends attended a church that we all regarded as "highly spiritual." For years, the church had a particular slogan, "Perfection is Possible." They had stickers, decals, and posters with this slogan, and they carried them everywhere. Back then,...

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Practice Self-compassion

Practice Self-compassion

A while back, some friends and I went on a plant-based diet for a month. It was a very tough challenge as we all are meat lovers, but we did not realize it until the challenge. A few days ago, one of us posted on Facebook how she sneaked in meats because of unbearable...

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Why should you Celebrate Birthdays?

Why should you Celebrate Birthdays?

Today is my birthday, and I am celebrating! Celebrating means honoring or marking an occasion with festivities or doing something special. My birthday was not on Facebook or any other social media platform a few years ago. Therefore, only family members and close...

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10 Health Benefits of Forgiveness

10 Health Benefits of Forgiveness

Recently, an incident in my family opened up some of my old wounds. These old wounds apparently had only scabbed over, and ripping them open still hurt almost as much as they did decades ago. So, does that mean I never forgave the person all these years when I thought...

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What do you regret most in life?

What do you regret most in life?

What do you regret most in life? On his deathbed, Steve Jobs, the visionary Apple co-founder and one of the greatest innovators of our time, regretted not treating his cancer sooner and not being there for his kids. Unfortunately, he died shortly after that, at the...

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Time to Reset

Time to Reset

At the beginning of 2022, I attempted a vision board for the first time! Having read and heard a lot of inspirational things about vision boards, I decided to put it to the test. The beginning of the year seemed like a great time to reset. Therefore, I put down my...

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The 4 Moods at Christmas

The 4 Moods at Christmas

Christmas is about a week from now. How are you feeling? It is common to fall into one or more of the 4 moods at Christmas. Are you joyful about the festivities, or are you stressed about Christmas activities like shopping and cooking? Or, maybe Christmas is just...

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Thank you for being a Friend

Thank you for being a Friend

Thanksgiving Day may be over, but thanksgiving is a daily affair. Like most people, I am thankful for food, shelter, family, good health, security, etc. And I am incredibly grateful for my friends. I am truly blessed with great friendships and all the associated...

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10 Health Benefits of Happiness

10 Health Benefits of Happiness

“Don’t worry, be happy” is easier said than done. Why is it important to be happy? How can you become a happier person? The stresses of life can cause you to feel worried, hopeless, and unhappy. Sometimes, it may even seem like the universe is conspiring against you....

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7 Reasons to go Shopping

7 Reasons to go Shopping

Do you love shopping? More specifically, do you indulge in retail therapy? Retail therapy is when you shop and buy to feel better and get rid of negative feelings. Retail therapy has many benefits, and there may no longer be any reason to feel guilty when next you...

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Choose to be Patient

Choose to be Patient

At my last doctor's visit about a month ago, I felt frustrated and agitated after waiting 15 minutes in the relaxed and comfortable waiting room. Fast forward to last week during our family vacation; I happily waited in line for one hour in unbearable heat for a ride....

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I am what I eat

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post titled “Self-affirmations: Are they just wishful thinking?” One of the affirmations I came across was, “I am what I eat.” First, I am not currently saying this affirmation, at least not yet. As a matter of fact, I quickly...

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The Journey of Motherhood

The Journey of Motherhood

In pediatrics, there is a well-known “Pink Book.” This book tells you everything you need to know about childhood vaccinations. However, a less commonly known “pink book” is revered and often daunting to pediatricians. It is the journal or diary of the mom of a...

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Giving and Your Health

Giving and Your Health

A lady at my church brings a bag of candy every Sunday to share with all church members. She even offers a sugar-free version to cut down on all of our excuses. Smiling radiantly, she shares her candy with joy and excitement. My family and I look forward to the “candy...

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