



Guard your Heart

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life (Proverbs 4:23, NLT). The Bible considers the heart the seat of life or strength. Hence, it represents the mind, soul, or spirit. Everything we do, including our behaviors and emotions, flows...

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Who is your Guy?

Who is your Guy?

Who is your guy or your gee? Gee is a Nigerian slang that means tight friend. During my recent spontaneous trip with my medical school classmates, our theme song was “Who is your guy” by Spyro. We unanimously made this our theme song because, 24 years after leaving...

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Is a weight-loss medication right for you?

Is a weight-loss medication right for you?

As we plan for our 25th-anniversary reunion next year, one of my medical school classmates jokingly said, "Great! That is enough time for my Ozempic to work, and I can have at least a 4-pack by the reunion date." So, what is Ozempic? What are the medications...

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Perfection is Possible: Yes or No?

Perfection is Possible: Yes or No?

In college, a few of my friends attended a church that we all regarded as "highly spiritual." For years, the church had a particular slogan, "Perfection is Possible." They had stickers, decals, and posters with this slogan, and they carried them everywhere. Back then,...

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Why should you Celebrate Birthdays?

Why should you Celebrate Birthdays?

Today is my birthday, and I am celebrating! Celebrating means honoring or marking an occasion with festivities or doing something special. My birthday was not on Facebook or any other social media platform a few years ago. Therefore, only family members and close...

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10 Health Benefits of Forgiveness

10 Health Benefits of Forgiveness

Recently, an incident in my family opened up some of my old wounds. These old wounds apparently had only scabbed over, and ripping them open still hurt almost as much as they did decades ago. So, does that mean I never forgave the person all these years when I thought...

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Stress and your Heart

Stress and your Heart

You are probably going through some form of stress right now. Indeed, most of life's occurrences are stressful. As we celebrate Valentine's Day today, did you know that Valentine's Day can cause undue stress on our hearts? Studies show that Valentine's Day can cause...

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The Number One Killer of Women

The Number One Killer of Women

February is the month dedicated to love and our heart. This month, we celebrate Valentine's Day and recognize February as American Heart Month, a month to spotlight heart disease. And here is why we dedicate a whole month to our hearts. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs),...

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12 Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is one of the oldest forms of structured exercise. Workout fads come and go, but people have been practicing yoga for the past 5,000 years. And every year, more and more people take up the practice of yoga. Why has yoga prevailed over the years? Are there any...

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The 4 Moods at Christmas

The 4 Moods at Christmas

Christmas is about a week from now. How are you feeling? It is common to fall into one or more of the 4 moods at Christmas. Are you joyful about the festivities, or are you stressed about Christmas activities like shopping and cooking? Or, maybe Christmas is just...

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Thank you for being a Friend

Thank you for being a Friend

Thanksgiving Day may be over, but thanksgiving is a daily affair. Like most people, I am thankful for food, shelter, family, good health, security, etc. And I am incredibly grateful for my friends. I am truly blessed with great friendships and all the associated...

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Sitting Disease: A Silent Killer

I get secretly irritated when my fitness tracker reminds me to stand, especially when it reminds me to stand after I have already exercised for an hour or more on that same day! I deserve to relax and enjoy the rest of my day on days I have already met my exercise...

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10 Health Benefits of Happiness

10 Health Benefits of Happiness

“Don’t worry, be happy” is easier said than done. Why is it important to be happy? How can you become a happier person? The stresses of life can cause you to feel worried, hopeless, and unhappy. Sometimes, it may even seem like the universe is conspiring against you....

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What is your ideal body weight?

What is your ideal body weight?

What is your ideal body weight? What is your ideal body weight? How many more pounds do you need to gain or lose to reach your ideal body weight? Perhaps you are at your ideal body weight now, and your next goal is to have a flatter belly, more toned arms, slimmer...

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7 Reasons to go Shopping

7 Reasons to go Shopping

Do you love shopping? More specifically, do you indulge in retail therapy? Retail therapy is when you shop and buy to feel better and get rid of negative feelings. Retail therapy has many benefits, and there may no longer be any reason to feel guilty when next you...

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6 Mental Health Benefits of Cooking

Yesterday, I had the privilege to share my passion for food and cooking with members of my cooking group. And what better way to represent Nigeria than to cook our Nigerian staple? Fried rice and dodo – fried plantain! I am ecstatic that my Nigerian meal was heartily...

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Choose to be Patient

Choose to be Patient

At my last doctor's visit about a month ago, I felt frustrated and agitated after waiting 15 minutes in the relaxed and comfortable waiting room. Fast forward to last week during our family vacation; I happily waited in line for one hour in unbearable heat for a ride....

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