

Stretching: A Key to Healthy Aging

Stretching: A Key to Healthy Aging

Yesterday, I received a call from my 80-year-old dad, who proudly informed me that he now exercises for 20 minutes every morning! So, I asked him what kind of exercises he does. He replied, “Oh no, I don’t jump, dance, or lift iron like you, but I do my stretch...
Keep Hope Alive

Keep Hope Alive

Recently, a close friend shared with me how being hopeful is helping her deal with her chronic illness. My friend, who is also a medical professional, understands the severity of her illness and her prognosis. Yet, she chooses to keep hope alive. My friend and I will...
Celebrate Good Times – My Sister’s 50th

Celebrate Good Times – My Sister’s 50th

Last month, my older sister celebrated her 50th birthday. It was a week-long affair that started with a girls-only cruise and ended with a grand party, Nigerian style. Interestingly, until a couple of months ago, my sister was adamant about not celebrating this...
Can a Formula Prolong your Life?

Can a Formula Prolong your Life?

A few days ago, I saw a video where Singaporean presidential candidate, Ng Kok Song, shared the formula for staying healthy at 75. He said the secret to staying healthy is to protect yourself with these 6 things, with the acronym SHIELD. S – Sleep; H –...