


As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what do you think about the saying, “A woman’s place is in the home”? It’s a phrase that’s been around for a long time, but what does it really mean? Generally, it means that women should only stay home and cook, clean, and look after the family. Do you agree?

Interestingly, the majority (74%) of global citizens disagree that a woman’s place is in the home. These results are from a survey of adults from 23 countries. Argentina, France, and Mexico (9% agree/91% disagree) are the top countries where most adults disagreed. On the other hand, the top countries where adults mostly agreed that “a woman’s place is in the home” are India (54% agree /46% disagree), Turkey (52% agree /48% disagree), and Japan (48% agree/52% disagree).  


And here are the results for the United States (25% agree/75% disagree) and Great Britain (22% agree/78%). The survey was conducted over twenty years ago, and I suspect the numbers would differ now. Also, I would love to know Nigeria’s results. The current economic situation makes me think Nigeria will be up there with Argentina, France, and Mexico.

Understanding Stereotypes


“A woman’s place is in the home.” This statement has many historical and cultural meanings behind it. Also, it has sparked a lot of debates and emotions for generations. But today, as we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s important to think about how this phrase impacts women’s lives. It is important to understand that generations before us passed down some beliefs based on their own reality. So, how can we ensure these beliefs do not adversely affect today’s girls or women?

1. Breaking Down Barriers

Societal norms often pressure women into conforming to predefined gender roles, limiting their opportunities for personal and professional growth. But it’s time to confront and dismantle these limiting stereotypes. Let’s create an environment where women feel empowered to pursue their ambitions freely, without fear of judgment or prejudice.


2. Empowering Women to Follow their Dreams

Every person, regardless of gender, deserves the freedom to choose their path in life. Some women find joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in traditional homemaking roles, and that is great! But others may have dreams and aspirations beyond the household. Ultimately, we are all different and want different things in life. Let’s celebrate diversity and respect each woman’s right to follow her passion and purpose, whatever they may be.


3. Sharing Responsibilities

The traditional division of labor places a significant burden on women. Women are often unable to pursue their personal and professional goals due to their responsibilities at home. And we all know that taking care of a home and family is hard work that can often get overwhelming. Women frequently need help and should not be ashamed to ask for help when needed. Therefore, let’s support policies that promote a more equitable balance between work and home life for both men and women. And let’s reject those that reinforce gender inequality.

4. Implementing Policies That Support Women And The Home

We need policies that will empower women to pursue their passions and ambitions without neglecting the family’s wellbeing. These policies should support affordable childcare, time off work for parents, and workplaces where everyone feels welcome and respected.


5. Recognizing Women’s Contributions

While we celebrate women’s achievements outside the home, let’s remember all the important things they do inside their families, too. Caregiving and maintaining households deserve respect, recognition, and appreciation, but it shouldn’t limit women’s opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment.

6. Celebrating Diversity

As we commemorate International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate our progress in the fight for gender equality. But let’s also acknowledge that there’s still work to be done. Let’s challenge outdated stereotypes and embrace diversity and choice. After all, every woman should have the freedom to pursue her passion and purpose, inside and outside the home.


7. Prioritizing Women’s Health and Wellness

Prioritizing women’s health and wellness is crucial as we celebrate International Women’s Day. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and self-care, is essential for women to thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s important to prioritize regular health check-ups, screenings, and preventive care to ensure overall wellbeing and longevity. Valuing and investing in women’s health empowers women to lead fulfilling lives and make meaningful contributions at home and outside. Check out “The Number One Killer of Women” for more on prioritizing your health and wellbeing by practicing a healthy lifestyle.


Where is a Woman’s Place?

A woman’s place is wherever she chooses to be! Women should have the autonomy and freedom to make decisions about their lives, careers, and aspirations. Women should not be limited or confined to traditional gender roles. All women should be allowed to pursue their goals and dreams in any field or endeavor, at home, in the workplace, or beyond.

In conclusion, a woman’s place is wherever she believes she will make the greatest impact, whether it is at home or outside. It is where she finds joy, peace, contentment, and an opportunity to fulfill her purpose in life.

Final Thoughts


My mom and all the moms I knew growing up were free to pursue their goals and passions. Both my grandmothers were petty traders. One traded from home, while the other had a stall in the market. I am sure both of my grandfathers would disagree with the statement, “A woman’s place is in the home.”

Permit me to share the story of a remarkable woman who is a mom to my patients. I will call her Sidney. Sidney has 12 children. Every time Sidney came into the clinic with another newborn baby, she was as excited as any first-time mom. Her wealth of knowledge of pediatrics and parenting is awe-inspiring. Sidney is a stay-at-home mom, and she does a terrific job! But more than that, I can literarily perceive her joy. She once told me that her life goal is to raise her 12 kids to become responsible and productive adults. What an incredible woman and story!

Here is the point: it is not for us to decide where a woman’s place should be. Let a woman choose where her place is. As a society, let’s not stereotype women or dictate their path in life. 

Finally, wherever we find ourselves today, let’s do our best to leave a positive impact on those around us. So, let’s celebrate all the amazing women out there. Happy International Women’s Day! And may we keep pushing for a world where everyone’s choices are respected and celebrated!

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Yours in health and fitness,

Doctor Abi

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