


Do you love shopping? More specifically, do you indulge in retail therapy? Retail therapy is when you shop and buy to feel better and get rid of negative feelings. Retail therapy has many benefits, and there may no longer be any reason to feel guilty when next you feel like shopping. Shopping can be an excellent stress-reducer and can improve your feelings of self-control and calmness. So, if you love shopping, congratulations, you are doing something positive for your health. Before we look at these 7 reasons to go shopping, let’s find out what happens in our brains when we shop.


What happens in our brains when we shop?

Most people find shopping thrilling because shopping releases a flood of endorphins–the feel-good chemicals in our brain. The thrill is even more when we get a great deal. Interestingly, even shopping online or window shopping without eventually buying anything has the same effect. The dopamine release in your brain produces that pleasurable thrill associated with shopping.

In addition, studies show that when we shop, there is increased activity in certain areas of our brain linked to reward, pleasure, and other good feelings.

So, there is no doubt that shopping is associated with pleasurable feelings that uplift our mood and spirits. Now, let’s look at the 7 reasons to go shopping.


7 Reasons to go shopping

1) Lower stress levels

Studies show that shopping can help lower stress levels. For some, shopping can be a positive coping mechanism to deal with stress. However, the same studies show that spending too much money when you shop can increase your stress level. Therefore, like everything else, shop in moderation!

2) Improved mood

Shopping causes the release of mood-lifting endorphins, as described above. The pleasurable feelings associated with shopping can help ward off depression.


3) Improved brain function

Shopping keeps you bright, especially as you age because it keeps your brain mentally active and engaged. Think about it, a lot goes into shopping, including planning your shopping trip, identifying items on sale, revising your budget, and calculating total costs.

4) Longer life

Shopping can help you live longer! One study showed that shopping reduces the risk of death in older men and women by 27 percent. Interestingly, the same survey shows men benefit more from everyday shopping than women. So, men should also get out there and shop!


5) More physical activity

Don’t like to exercise? No problem! You can stay physically active by going shopping. Walking from one department store to the other while carrying heavy bags is a workout by itself! We need at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week for optimal health. Brisk walking at the mall 30 minutes a day, five times a week, will benefit your overall health tremendously. Grab a group of friends and make walking at the mall part of your exercise routine. Better yet, count your steps while walking at the mall for more motivation. For more on counting your steps, check out “How many steps should you take daily?”

6) Improved sense of control

Instead of getting frustrated over the things we have no control over today, studies show that shopping can reinforce a sense of personal control over our environment. Restoring our sense of control is crucial to our mental well-being and overall health.


7) More social bonding

Shopping causes you to interact with fellow shoppers and salespeople. Shopping becomes a social exercise when you shop with friends or family. Talking to friends about your fabulous finds at the mall adds to the social bonding associated with shopping. This bonding with others can benefit the mind, body, and soul. Ultimately, social bonding helps elevate our moods, reduces stress, and keeps us mentally and physically healthy.

The Do’s and Don’ts of shopping wisely


Now, our goal is not to experience more stress or go broke from shopping. So, here are a few pointers to getting the most health benefits from shopping.


1) Have a budget. Having a budget helps you stick to spending an amount you can afford.

2) Track your purchases to avoid overspending.

3) Try window-shopping instead of buying. You get the same health benefits!

4) Find additional ways to improve your mood, like exercising, eating healthy, and sleeping well.

5) Walk around to stay physically active while shopping.



1) Don’t buy things you don’t need.

2) Don’t shop to relieve boredom or anxiety.

3) Don’t ditch work or other important events to go shopping.

4) Don’t depend only on shopping to improve your mood.

Final thoughts


Can shopping become too much?

Unfortunately, yes! Shopping can be taken to an extreme and can become a problem or an addiction. When shopping becomes our go-to way to deal with stress and anxiety, it becomes a compulsive behavior. About 5 percent of people exhibit compulsive buying behavior. Feeling an overpowering urge to shop, followed by disappointment in yourself after purchasing something, may indicate a compulsive buying disorder (CBD). Other red flags of CBD include going broke from shopping too much and having trouble at home and work due to excessive shopping and spending.

Compulsive buying is similar to other impulse control behaviors, such as gambling. Generally, such experiences activate your brain’s reward center, causing dopamine release. Dopamine release makes you feel good, and your brain focuses on this pleasurable experience. Continually seeking this enjoyable experience can lead to compulsion or addiction. If you have a shopping problem, please seek professional help. Therapy and support groups can help you identify and manage this behavior.

In summary, shopping is good but excessive shopping is a problem. Undoubtedly, shopping improves your health, but, as in most things, moderation is the difference between happiness and compulsiveness. Therefore, when next you itch to go to the shopping mall, think about these 7 reasons to go shopping but shop in moderation!

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Yours in fitness and health,

Doctor Abi

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