


“Where do you see yourself in five years?” is a common question during a job interview. Why is this question relevant? After all, the employer should be more interested in what you have accomplished so far. The truth is, the employer is interested in your past and your future. They do not expect you to be stagnant but hope to see some growth and transformation over the next five years. You may have heard the saying, “If you are not growing, you are dying.” This saying is very true in every area of our lives, including our jobs, careers, relationships, finances, physical health, mental health, etc. So, if, today, you are the same or worse off than you were five years ago, it is time to be proactive and take these 12 steps to personal growth and transformation.


But first, let’s learn more about personal growth and transformation.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is a process of understanding your true self and taking steps to improve yourself in several different areas to become your best self.

For personal growth to occur, we must continually assess and take steps to improve our behavior, attitudes, habits, skills, etc.


What is transformation?

Transformation is a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved – Cambridge Dictionary.

So, transformation refers to the outcome – an improved version of ourselves, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, etc.

I recently ran across a friend I last saw over 20 years ago. She looked absolutely gorgeous. And my first thought was, “what a transformation.” Like me, many people, when they hear transformation, think of physical transformation – weight loss, change in hairstyle, younger-looking skin, etc. However, after spending some time with my friend, I realized that her transformation was not only external, but she also had a totally transformed mind.

Interestingly, we all like to hear and read about transformation stories. That is because, as human beings, we desire transformation. It is how we grow. Can you imagine how boring life could get if we were all content with who we were and did not desire change or progress?


By the way, if you are not actively and intentionally working on progress, the chances are that you will move in the opposite direction and start to regress. For example, if we are not paying any attention to our health and nutrition by eating well and being physically active, our health will likely deteriorate. So there is really no room for complacency. It’s either you are progressing or regressing. Even to remain static requires work. For example, if you are at your ideal body weight and physical fitness level, you still have to work hard to keep things at the status quo.

Why is personal growth and transformation relevant?

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” – Gail Sheehy.

Over the last century, or maybe longer, there has been a great emphasis on growth, change, and transformation. We have come to realize that the only way to transform our world is through individuals who choose to be agents of change and growth.

Personal growth, and its synonyms – self-development, personal development, etc., is a trendy topic today. In fact, the global personal development market size was approximately 39.99 billion US dollars in 2020 and is estimated to grow to 56.66 billion US dollars by 2027. However, not many are familiar with transformation. So, is there a difference between personal growth and transformation?


Difference between personal growth and transformation

Personal growth is fantastic, but transformation takes personal growth to another level! At our jobs, in our relationships, concerning our health and wellness, and in every area of our lives, we should aim not just for growth but transformation.

Personal growth does not happen overnight. It is a moment-by-moment, day-by-day process that requires us to consciously focus on our physical, mental, and emotional health and our ability to adapt to the changing conditions around us.

On the other hand, transformation can happen overnight, for example, after cosmetic surgery, when a person becomes born again, or after a simple mindset change. However, sometimes, the results of your transformation may not be instantly visible.

The difference between growth and transformation can be very subtle. The table below highlights some of these differences:

Personal Growth Versus Transformation

Perhaps the best way to explain transformation is through this Bible verse that describes the transformational power of Christ in the life of a believer.

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT).

Now, don’t get me wrong, personal growth is good, but transformation is ideal! So, what steps can you take to achieve personal growth and transformation?


12 steps to personal growth and transformation

1) Change your mindset

 The first step in transformation is a mindset change. Transformation requires the renewing of your mind. You have first to desire transformation. For example, if you are sedentary and desire to become more physically active, your first step is to change your mindset. So, check out “Change your Mindset towards Exercise” on how to do just that.

2) Define your purpose

The next step is to determine why you desire transformation? Your purpose has to make sense to you. For example, if I say I want to be the smartest person in the world, it has to be because I plan to invent everything possible to make the world better. It can’t just be because I want to carry the title of the smartest person in the world!

Woman on laptop

3) Set realistic expectations 

Have realistic expectations. Using my previous example, I do not desire to be transformed into the world’s smartest person because that is unrealistic. Even my teenage kids are already smarter than me!

4) Plan for success

How are you going to go about it? For example, to become a healthier version of yourself, you need a plan for preparing and eating nutritious meals and staying physically active.


5) Commit to your plan

Stick to your plan. The results of your transformation may not become visible in a week or even in a year. But it does not mean your actions are not beneficial, even if you don’t see results. For example, studies show that if you are physically active and continue to gain weight, you are still less likely to have heart disease and die young than someone who gains weight while remaining physically inactive.

6) Find a mentor

Find a mentor and copy them. Find someone that has achieved the transformation you desire and follow in their footsteps.


7) Be accountable to others

Seek accountability partners. Surround yourself with like-minded people that keep you accountable. And, in the process, support others.

8) Expect discomfort

No one said transformation is easy. Those gruesome hours at the gym or burning the midnight oil to get an education or develop your skills will pay off eventually.


9) Be patient

Start small and give it time. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Learn to wait for the visible results of your hard work.

10) Review your progress

Practice self-reflection. As you review your progress, make changes to keep you on track for success.


11) Dare greatly

Don’t be afraid to take risks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Believe it or not, even if you fail, you will still learn something worthwhile.

12) Celebrate your successes

Be grateful that you have the opportunity to pursue growth and transformation. Learn to celebrate every win, no matter how small.

Final thoughts


“Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people.” – Michael W. Smith.

“A life transformed is lives multiplied.” – Abimbola Odukoya.

So, let me rev this up a notch by telling you that the ultimate outcome of personal growth and transformation is not to be at your best but to impact others to be at their best. And as you impact others, your community grows. Finally, as your community grows and develops, it positively impacts you, causing further transformation. I call this the “chain reaction for ultimate growth and transformation.”

Chain Reaction for Ultimate Growth and Transformation

However, growing and being transformed requires you to be healthy – body, soul, and spirit. So, choose today to transform your health and life by taking the first step – A mindset change. Follow the twelve steps to see a whole new you, and in the process, you will impact others and help develop an entirely new, healthy, and prosperous community!

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Yours in health and fitness,

Doctor Abi

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